Sunday, January 1, 2012

A New Year

Of the many "resolutions" or goals I have for this year, one of them is to blog more. I enjoy blogging but it is really hard for me to make time for blogging. I am going to really give it a try this year though. I like being able to share pictures and funny stories with family and friends near and far. And I really like going back and reading the entries myself.

This afternoon Adam and I did a prediction run. The course was 8 kilometers (almost 5 miles). You can start the run any time after 2:30 and the person who finishes closest to 4pm wins. I have no idea who won because we did not stick around for awards - I just wanted to do the run. This is the farthest I've run since July of 2010. I am really slow but it feels great to be running again. Here is a picture of Adam and I after the run.

After the run we went over to Adam's parent's house for dinner. They were watching Charlie and Finn (thank you!). They have a jumperoo (or jumping seat) that Finn goes wild in. He will jump for 20-30 minutes if we let him. I took this cute video of him wanting to fall asleep but then continuing to jump. Enjoy!

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