Tuesday, January 3, 2012

First Day Back

Today was my first full-day back at work. I left the house at 7, Adam had Charlie and Finn in the morning and his parents watched them this afternoon. I picked them up around 4:30 and we were home at 5pm. Adam came home around 7:15. This will be our schedule most days except only Adam's mom watches the kids unless his dad has a day off like today.

Meal planning is going to be essential for me in addition to packing my lunch the night before. Most everything for the kids is over at Wayne and Nikki's house so we don't have to pack for them which is great. Now I just need to figure out when I can fit in a workout. Hopefully once Finn starts sleeping through the night I can wake up early and get a run in before work. I am just too wiped out in the evening right now. The little man wakes up several times in the night. I am considering joining the gym at work so maybe I could get a work out in on my lunch break. But I don't want to pay for a membership if I am not going to use it.

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