Monday, August 23, 2010

Summer Fun

Saturday, my good friend Joe and I took Charlie to Larriland Farms. I love this place. We picked tomatoes, blackberries, apples and peaches. Charlie did great all day and was absolutely adorable picking peaches. Here she is with Joe:

She couldn't quite pick the fruit. She could get a grasp on the peach but did have the coordination to pick the fruit so we helped her.

I helped her pick a peach and she immediately took a huge bite out of it!

So I plopped her down on the ground and let her enjoy a freshly picked peach.

I jokingly said she looked like she had been raised by wolves because of her enthusiasm eating the peach.

She ate half a peach on her own. I could hear her bottom two teeth grinding against the peach pit.

The girl loves peaches!

I love this photo. I think this was when we were picking blackberries.

I know it was taken at the beginning of the day because she is still somewhat clean (although I can see blackberries on her shirt). By the end of the day our clothes we were both covered in blackberries and peach juice!

Yesterday I took her swimming with my mother-in-law Nikki. I still try to take her once a week but last week I think between Adam, Nikki and I she swam four days! Here is a video of her fearlessness.

Water Baby from Jennifer Rutz on Vimeo.

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