Wednesday, July 28, 2010

A Hitch in My Giddy-Up

A few weeks prior to the marathon I was experiencing tightness in my right hip. It was not unbearable but it was obvious something was wrong. A few times I would go for a run and I would limp for the first mile or so until things loosened up and I could get into a smooth stride.

Thankfully the morning of the marathon my hip felt pretty good. It really didn't bother me during the race. And even after the race I was doing okay. My parents, sister, Adam, Charlie and I went to eat about an hour after I finished and I still wasn't experiencing much pain. But once I returned back to my parent's house and sat down for a while I couldn't walk. I couldn't put any weight on my hip and needed support to walk. The next day wasn't much better. I continued to walk with a limp until I returned to Maryland.

Once I returned from Montana I scheduled an appointment with an orthopedic doctor. My appointment was last Friday (I was still limping). I had x-rays taken and the doctor said the hip looked like it was supposed to but he wanted me to have an MRI to rule out a stress fracture.

I had the MRI Monday afternoon. The doctor told me as soon as he got the report he would call me to discuss. I wasn't expecting to hear from him until the end of this week but he called last night. I have a stress injury in the right femoral neck. This isn't a stress fracture but if I continue running it could become a stress fracture. The doctor wants me to limit my activity to swimming, the stationary bike and light upper body weights.

Since I havn't run and only biked once since the marathon I had resigned myself to not being able to compete in the Irongirl triathlon (August 22nd) and the Half Full triathlon (October 3rd). I am pretty bummed about this especially since I already paid for both of these races. It took a while for me to stop beating myself up about all this. But I know it is for the best. I don't want to injure my hip anymore than it already is and I hope to be able to fully recover so I can continue running.

I still have 24 Hours of Booty to look forward to. I won't be able to bike much but I will be able to take part in the event.

C'est la vie.

1 comment:

Debbie said...

Jen- it sucks to be injured but it sounds like you have a great plan and a great attitude. There will be more tri's and other events. Hang in there!