Monday, April 19, 2010

Now I Can Laugh About It

When Charlotte was 10 days old we had professional newborn pictures taken. The photographer came highly recommended and the photos on her website were amazing. I had spoken with the photographer a number of times and was really looking forward to the photo shoot.

The photo shoot was possibly one of the worst experiences of my life.

I had envisioned sweet innocent pictures of Charlie sleeping. That is the problem with expectations. Charlie did anything but sleep. She cried, she screamed, she pooped on me and peed on Adam. She spent the majority of the three hour shoot doing everything except looking sweet and innocent. In fact, the only picture we have where she appears to be sleeping involved Adam holding her, me stroking my finger down the bridge of her nose, and the photographer taking the picture at the exact second her eyes closed. So while we have a picture where it looks like she was sleeping, she was not.

Adam and I spent an embarrassing amount of money on these pictures. I was upset for quite a long time that we did not get the sweet innocent sleeping picture that I really wanted. While the photos we did receive were really good and the photographer did the best she could, Charlie was not a willing participant.

Over time my negative emotions toward the photos eased and now I am very happy we had them taken. We were able to capture a moment in time in Charlie’s life when she was a newborn.

Last week a co-worker sent me a link of newborn photos. You can view the photos here. As I looked through the sweet innocent photos of sleeping newborns I began to feel disappointed again that Charlie was not more of a willing model. But now that I know Charlie's personality I had to laugh because, instead of getting this:

We got this:

1 comment:

Brent, Amy, Cash and Maci said...

This is absolutely hilarious! you said, now that you've got a taste for Charlie's personality it just wouldn't be the same with a sleeping baby....
