Friday, April 16, 2010

Marathon Training is in Full Swing

So far my marathon training has been going pretty well. I have been able to do all my weekend long runs and the majority of my runs during the week. During the week I typically run at night once Charlie is in bed. This means running on the treadmill which is okay but I much prefer running outside.

Last weekend Adam, Charlie, Izzy and I did a three mile run on Saturday morning and then Adam, Charlie and I did a 7 mile run on Sunday. It was great to be able to spend time with Adam and Charlie and get in my run. Charlie did awesome in the stroller. Adam is toying with the idea of running with Charlie for the Missoula Half Marathon. He should be able to do it under 2 hours which I think is doable for Charlie.

(notice Izzy hitching a ride on the stroller)
In other news I think Charlie is getting her two bottom teeth. She won't sit still long enough for me to get a look but last night I thought I saw a flash of white in her mouth. And I definitely know I felt two bottom teeth. The girl might not have any hair but she if finally getting teeth!
The girl is still not crawling either. She is such a mover and a shaker I thought for sure she would be crawling by now. But when I lay her on her stomach she immediately flips on her back. She prefers standing to sitting or laying down. One of her favorite places is her "Hop and Poop". This is the name we have given to her exersaucer because when she is in it she almost always jumps and then...poops :)

Finally I just had to post this picture. My mom always fixed my hair like this when I was younger, making me look like Pebbles. I said I would never do that to my daughter but these hair clips were on clearance at Target and I just couldn't resist. Plus Charlie's lack of hair doesn't allow for much else!

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