Saturday, August 8, 2009

Jury Duty and the Werewolf Baby

A little more than two weeks until my due date. If I make it to my due date I will be happy. I still feel pretty good and just think that two more weeks with the baby on the inside would be a good thing. After all, that was the plan, right?

My only complaint is indigestion. My diet has been reduced to applesauce, Greek yogurt, 7-up and Rolaids for the most part. I get indigestion at all hours of the day and night. I get indigestion if I don't eat often enough. I get indigestion if I laugh too hard. I get indigestion if I eat too much or food that is has too much seasoning or spice (i.e has salt and pepper on it). In the scheme of things it is not that bad and I have found what works for me to keep the indigestion at bay. Everyone keeps telling us that if I have indigestion that means the baby has hair. Well, Adam and I have decided that we are having a werewolf because this baby must have a whole lot of hair!

This past week I received a summons for jury duty. I have never been called before and I have always wanted to. It is for the first week in September so obviously that is not going to happen. I have to request to do it at a later date but I admit I am a little bummed. I know I will probably just have to sit there all day and not get selected but I always thought it would be intersting to sit on a jury. The summons is for the county court and usually we don't have a lot murders and that type of thing here. If it were Baltimore County or Baltimore City, that would be an entirely different story.

Next, an update on Adam. He is doing well - busy with work and training for Ironman Florida. Today he is doing is first century ride. That is 100 miles on his bike. Thankfully it is not too hot or humid today so he should have a good ride. Tomorrow he is doing a 2 mile swim. This weekend will be a great training weekend for him and also a good way to assess his training so far. He has been feeling good about his training and his improvement overall. And thankfully he hasn't hit the point of thinking "What have I done?" I am sure that will come after the baby arrives and he is up half the night with her and then has to get up and go for a long run or long ride in the morning.

Finally, I am going to leave you pictures of a toad that was in our yard last night. This one was pretty big. We usually just have little ones jumping around. Izzy didn't even notice it. She is not great at situational awareness.

1 comment:

Debbie said...

Jen- I'm dying to see a photo of you pregnant. Please post one! I bet you look awesome!