Friday, May 22, 2009

It Happened Again

Well, it happened again. Around 9 pm last night Adam received a call from the Y. Someone had pooped in the pool. This hasn't happened for a couple months and Adam and I were both hoping the pooper had either transferred to another pool or simply learned some self-control. Not so. And apparently he was making up for lost time.

There are SO many things wrong with this situation:
  1. The first and most obvious one, someone chose to poop in the pool as opposed to a toilet!
  2. As with all previous incidents, NOBODY came forward to confess. This time swimmers told the lifeguard there was poop in the pool. I can't imagine swimming in a public pool and finding poop. SIMPLY CAN'T IMAGINE.
  3. Not only was feces found in the pool but it was also found in the men's locker room (on the toilet bowl, on the floor and in the sink!) Again, nobody came forward to confess. The mess in the locker room was found by a staff person.
  4. Finally, and this one is probably the most disturbing. I have to hear about the entire incident at midnight with more details than I care to know. When Adam got home he felt the need to share his experience with me including every disgusting detail. Communication is key to any relationship but I can do without falling asleep with visions of poop dancing around in my head.

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