Wednesday, April 1, 2009

So Much For Intuition

Today Adam and I had our ultrasound appointment. We both agreed we wanted for find out the sex. I was 98% sure we were having a boy. Plus, everyone else told me we were having a boy. Well, so much for intuition. We are having a girl. Even though I thought it was a boy I am very happy. I was shocked but still happy. My mom is already planning to make cute pink quilts and Heather has knitted two bibs for a little girl. My dad has just accepted that his lot in life is to be in the minority.

Everything looks great with the baby. And just within the last few days I have felt the baby move. I am 19 weeks, almost halfway through the pregnancy. Hopefully the next five months will go as smoothly as the last two. Our next appointment is in three weeks.

1 comment:

Brent, Amy, Cash and Maci said...

Yipee! Congrats on the little girlie. Glad everything is going so well for you guys. You're going to have so much fun when she gets here!