Sunday, January 15, 2012


Yep, I have shingles. I finally went to the doctor on Thursday for the diagnosis. My left side had been hurting all week and Wednesday morning I woke up with a rash on my stomach. I am on oral medication for a week. I am also taking ibuprofen for the pain. The prescription medication is just supposed to dry up the gross blistery rash. I can tell when the ibuprofen wears off because my side starts hurting again. It is the weirdest pain. Thankfully I have a mild case.

So now we are hoping Griffin doesn't get chicken pox. Obviously he has already been exposed but I really don't want to deal with a 5 month old that doesn't feel well. Especially when I am not feeling 100%. Charlotte has already received the chicken pox vaccine so she should be in the clear.

Keep posted for the photo-a-day for a picture of my rash!

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