Thursday, November 3, 2011

I'm Back

Where did the month of October go? Ugggh! I am going to try to be better about updating this blog but no promises. During the month of October we did a lot of fun stuff that I hope to write about: picking out pumpkins at Larriland Farms, my sister's visit, our trip to Montana, and of course, Halloween.

Griffin is doing great and getting better each day. He has been a very fussy baby and the pediatrician actually said he has colic. I did a bit of reading about colic and one definition is colic is a five letter word for 'I don't know." What I do know is Griffin has a lot of trouble going to the bathroom and really has to work at it. He also has a lot of gas. This means that he will be sleeping, have gas or need to go to the bathroom, wake up, be in discomfort, not be able to go to the bathroom, be overly tired and then cry. It is really difficult to see him in discomfort and not be able to help. We've taken him to the chiropractor (not sure that helped), we give him gripe water and also put a warm rice bag on his belly. There are certain position that he likes to be held that helps him with his gas.

Just this past week he has started taking naps in his swing during the day. There was a couple weeks where he napped on me because it was the only way I could get him to stay asleep. Thankfully we have moved beyond that stage.

I also stopped eating dairy, soy, fish, and nuts for a couple weeks to see if his discomfort was caused from food sensitives. I really didn't think the cause was my diet was and while I didn't follow the restricted diet 100% neither Adam or I saw a difference.

As I said earlier, Griffin is doing really well and really does get better each day. He was fussy today but Monday through Wednesday of this week he was great. The pediatrician said that slowly the good days will outnumber the bad days. Most colicky babies show definite improvement by the third or forth month so we are more than half way!

So while there have been difficult moments, there are also moments where he is happy and just so cute. He is smiling and cooing more and more. Yesterday I took this adorable picture of him:

It reminded me of this picture of Charlotte at about the same age:

So there is a brief recap of our lives. I am really going to try to update the blog more often. Happy November everyone!

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