Monday, August 1, 2011

23 Months and the 5-Week Window

First, today Charlie turns 23 months old. It is so hard to believe that in less on month I will have a two year old and a newborn. That is just too crazy for me to think about for too long. Honestly, the first year of Charlie’s life seemed to go by in a doable fashion but this last year has just flown by. She really is growing up too fast.

This past Friday, July 31, marked the 37th week of this pregnancy. This also means I have the green light to deliver at the birthing center. I delivered Charlie at a birthing center and thought it was a very positive experience. I really want to deliver this little guy in a non-hosptial setting to. To be able to deliver at the birthing center I have to be between 37 and 42 weeks – thus the 5-week window. Charlie was born at 41 weeks so hopefully this little guy does not push the limit that close this time. Plus it would be nice to have a couple weeks between their birthdays.

I think we are as ready as we can be right now. Our bags our packed and all the baby stuff is set up. The only thing left is the name. We thought we had a name but after some discussions this weekend, we are on the fence. With Charlie, we went to the birthing center with three names and then chose Charlotte once we saw her. We will probably do the same with this one.

For the last two weeks I have been working 4/10’s and taking Friday’s off. I have my weekly midwife appointment on Fridays so it works out well. It is also really nice to have a three day weekend. I plan to work until August 11th and then see how I feel from there. I have been feeling pretty good considering so hopefully it stays like that.

1 comment:

timkenn said...

tanti saluti!
nice positive report! best wishes!
stay frosty,
