Thursday, January 27, 2011

Snow Day

This storm was not as bad as last year but it did allow me to have a free day off from work. It could have been much worse for us. Last night there were over 100,000 homes without power in the DC area and 50,000 in the Baltimore area because the snow was so wet and heavy. There were many trees that fell onto power lines. Also, tonight on the news the newscaster said he left the station last night at 6pm and didn't get home until 3am! Many of the cars couldn't make it up hills, several tractor trailers jack-knifed and many people simply abandoned their vehicles and walked home. Thankfully we were all home, safe and sound.

Here are a few pictures:

our back deck

Izzy searching for a bathroom spot - notice the broken tree in the background

Charlie in the snow

We didn't stay outside long - she got cold fast

She loved hanging out in the bed of Adam's truck

Playing with play-doh after getting warmed up

I think playing outside wore her out because she took a 3 hour nap this afternoon!

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