Saturday, October 2, 2010

Where Has September Gone?

Wow! What happened to September? It completely got away from me. We had a great month here marking some memorable milestones including Charlie's first birthday and my 34th (gulp). Here is a quick synopsis of our month in photos:

The birthday girl:

Adam and I took the day off of work to celebrate Charlotte's birthday. We took her to lunch at a sushi restaurant near our house. She had been there before and the staff LOVES here. We usually bring her own food but this time she ordered from the menu. Here she is eating an avocado and cucumber roll:

Here she is opening her birthday presents in her birthday suit (well, almost). She received her first camera!

Adam's mom made Charlotte her birthday cake. Charlotte LOVES puppy dogs and loved her cake:

We had a small party for her:

Digging in to her first piece of cake:

A couple weeks ago we went to the Maryland Renaissance Festival. It was a lot of fun this year. Adam's mom bought her a pair of fairy wings:

Watching one of the shows:

Waiting to ride the elephant:

Thankfully the weather is getting cooler. It was a long, hot summer! One Saturday morning Adam, Charlotte and I took Izzy for a walk at the park near our house:

(I love her hair in this picture!)

Now that she is 12 months and 20 pounds we were able to turn her car seat around. This is much better for everyone:

Trying on her new winter coat. Thanks Gramma Michelle and Grandpa Dale!

Burritos anyone?

We still try to go swimming once a week. Here she is in her new swimming suit from Aunt Heather. As you can tell she loves it!

Playing in the backyard:

Reading with Fred and Cleo. She received both of these stuffed animals for her birthday. Fred is the brown one, Cleo the yellow.

Happy October everyone!

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