Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Waiting for the Next Storm

We surivived the first snowstorm and are now getting ready for the second. It is simply amazing the amount of snow we have. I have only been out of the house twice since last Friday. I didn't work yesterday or today and the offices are closed tomorrow as well. Adam worked today but he had to go pick up some of his lifeguards as they were still snowed in. He also said the plow trucks plowed the parking lot of the YMCA from 11pm last night until 6 am this morning. Yep, 7 hours of plowing to clear the parking lot. Simply unbelievable.

As I write this it is snowing outside. The forecast is for 12-20+ additional inches of snow on top of the 20+ inches we already have. There are some areas of the community that are still snowed in from this weekend. Plows haven't been able to reach all the neighborhoods. Thankfully a bobcat has come through our neighborhood twice to help us out. Here are some pictures I took on yesterday, February 8th of neighborhood roads:

To help combat cabin fever I took Charlie swimming at the Y today. This was her first time swimming and she did great. She seemed to really enjoy herself. She would put her face in the water on her own and never cried.

1 comment:

Everybody Loves a Montana Girl said...

I can't believe she liked swimming so much. I have trouble dunking my head without crying!! Adorable pictures.