Tuesday, October 6, 2009

Five Weeks Old

Well, just as quickly as Charlie changed her routine to not sleeping she seems to have changed it to something we can live with. As I type this she is actually asleep in her bouncy seat and not on me! Plus, last night she slept from 7:30 pm to 11:30 pm and midnight to 5 am...in her bassinet!!! I actually had to wake her up at 5 am to feed her. Let's hope something similar to this pattern continues.

Last night was also the first time we left her with a non-family member - for a whopping 15 minutes. I went to my triathlon club meeting and Adam wasn't home from work yet. A co-worker of Adam's came over and watched her for 15 minutes. Tony has a little bit of baby whisperer in him and is great with babies. Plus he loves Charlotte. This was the first time I left Charlotte for something that didn't consist of a quick trip to Target or the grocery store. It was a great feeling!

Another first happened today. I went to the gym to work out. One of the perks of Adam's job at the Y is I can leave Charlotte with him while I work out. Adam's boss recently had a baby and brings her son to work so they are very kid friendly. So kid friendly that when I was done working out and packing Charlotte up to bring her home some co-workers actually asked if she could attend their next meeting.

Back to my workout - I did the elliptical for 30 minutes, RAN FOR A MILE, and did a few minutes of weights. It felt awesome to do some cardio and felt even better to run. My goal is to run a Turkey Trot 5k at Thanksgiving and a 10k on New Year's Day.
Here are some recent pictures:

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