Friday, February 20, 2009

What I Have Learned So Far

Apple juice is the nectar of the Gods. Before I was pregnant I probably hadn't had apple juice (or really any other juice for that matter) in years. I always thought it was too sweet and had too many calories. During the month of January I couldn't get enough. Even now a glass of apple juice tastes better to me than chocolate!

Watching The Wrestler while pregnant is not a good idea. It caused me to cry for three straight days (I am not exaggerating, ask Adam). I still tear up when I hear the song, "The Wrestler" by Bruce Springsteen.

While Adam trains for IM Florida he will be losing weight and getting into shape. My endurance event (this baby) is causing me to gain weight. A few weeks ago I realized that right about the time Adam will be in his top physical condition (lowest weight) I will be at my heaviest weight. Chances are I will weigh more than he does. The day I realized this was a very, very sad day for me.

I want to learn the sex of the baby. This whole adventure has enough surprises in it for me. I don't need another one.

Walking on the treadmill for two miles now makes me more tired than going for a 6 mile run did before I was pregnant.

Being pregnant hasn't changed my tastes that much...I still hate most vegetables. I still hope that one day I will wake up and magically enjoy the taste of vegetables.

It took a while for my brain to accept that fact that I need to gain weight. It didn't make sense to me that I was working out yet my pants were getting more and more uncomfortable around the waist.

I am taking full advantage of the opportunity to sleep. Adam has actually asked me if I thought I was getting too much sleep. I told him that the thought never crossed my mind.

I think Izzy (our dog) senses something is different. She rarely leaves my side when I am home. She is even sleeping on my lap as I type this.

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