Thursday, March 20, 2008


My friend Debbie tagged me. This means I have to write 7 little known facts about myself. Here it goes:

1. I once broke up with a boyfriend because I didn't like how he said 'good-bye' on the phone.

2. I won the penmanship award in the 8th grade and received $25.

3. I was evicted from the first apartment I ever rented. Having the cops visit two weekends in a row is never a good thing.

4. I can't get out of bed without hitting the snooze. I have tried but it is impossible. Some of my best sleep is in those nine minutes (or 18, or 27, or 36...!)

5. If I watch a movie at home I must start it before 8 pm. If not, I will fall asleep. Actually, I can't remember the last movie I rented that I watched the entire thing. I like to prop pillows around me so Adam doesn't know I'm sleeping.

6. I dream of qualifying for the Boston Marathon. Right now I have to run a 3 hour and 40 minute marathon to qualify. If I wait until I am 70 years old I have to run a 5 hr marathon. If I train for the next 40 years I might be able to get that time.

7. I love station wagons - always have. I remember the first time I saw the Ford Taurus. I was in the second grade and it was love at first sight. I have driven a station wagon (or a Subaru 'sport wagon') for the past 10 years.

Okay, I am supposed to tag 7 other bloggers but I don't know 7 other bloggers. So instead, post a comment on my blog and tell me some little known facts about yourself!

Oh, and by the way, HAPPY FIRST DAY OF SPRING!

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