Tuesday, December 25, 2007

My First Christmas Without Snow

I stayed in Maryland this Christmas. This was my first Christmas away from my parents and Heather and also my first holiday without snow. It was actually a beautiful day today - bright, blue sky and not too cold.

I hope everyone had as great of Christmas as I did. Adam and I went to his parents house and I ate too much food, received too many gifts and overall had a great time. Here are some pictures from my day:

My Tommy the Leprechaun shirt from my sister:

Adam's Montana Grizzlies t-shirt from my parents:

Bride and Groom robes from Adam's sister and brother-in-law:

1 comment:

Debbie said...

Hey Jen- Happy Holidays and a Very Happy New Year!!! I hope your holidays were fun and that things are going well with you. I've got a card to send you so you'll see a very late holiday card in the mail soon.